Results: All the 128 cases were cured successfully in one stage and satisfactory configuration obtained, only 6 cases have irregular para-position in vermilion border. 结果128例新生儿唇裂早期手术无1例死亡,无1例复裂,除6例唇红缘对位稍欠缺外,全部获满意效果。
Objective: This is to introduce a method for repairing the atrophic vermilion border. 目的:探求红唇修复的简易实用方法。
The arcuate artery lay within the submucous tissue beyond the vermilion border about 6 mm. The concomitant veins were constant. 双侧上唇动脉在中线相互交通形成弓形动脉,该动脉走行于距红唇缘深面约6mm的粘膜下组织内,动脉有恒定的伴行静脉。